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Deal Overview
  • Manage accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Telegram, VK and OK
  • Smart calendar integrated to build content strategy
  • Customize suitable graphics for your posts
  • Over 4000 posts to give you content inspiration.

PublBox: The Advanced Social Media Manager Tool

In the United States, hiring a social media Manager can cost you an annual pay of $37K – $81K factoring the years of experience, your company size, and the industry you’re in. Meanwhile, a significant percentage of their job is done routinely; like generating posts ideas, scheduling your posts, reporting, and monitoring.

Imagine a software can do all these and even more, while you don’t have to spend up to $1k in a year. PublBox covers all the social media manager’s tasks so you may not hire a human to do all the tasks. To get started, you can use our PublBox discount codes and PublBox discount coupons to helps you save some cash.

How Does PublBox Work?

PublBox is an all-in-one social media tool that you can use to build a strong and consistent social media presence. It’s an excellent tool to manage accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Telegram, VK and OK.

PublBox is more like a social media team that handles different aspects of your social media activities that include:

Planning: PublBox has a smart calendar integrated into its system that you can use to build a content strategy for your social media accounts. You can plan out a whole year of social media content with PublBox.

How Does PublBox Work?

Content Inspiration: PublBox has ready-made content and ideas to help you when you’re low on your creative juice; you can choose to use them or modify them to your taste. There are over 4000 posts that you can get inspirations from, as well as templates and avatars.

Creation of Logos, Images, Graphics, and texts: You can use PublBox to customize suitable graphics for your posts. You can crop, add filters, backgrounds, and shapes easily with PublBox.  It has a robust library of image templates you can customize for your social media posts.

How Does PublBox Work?

We think this is a tool every business needs for a better social media presence get our PublBox discount coupons to have you started on some good discounts.

What Are The Features Of PublBox?

PublBox is a tool full of several functions that we’ve highlighted below:

Schedule your posts and set them to publish automatically whenever you want.

Plan, organize, and manage your social media content.

You can manage multiple social media accounts with PublBox.

What Are the features of PublBox?

Multiple Users can collaborate to manage the accounts on PublBox

Generate actual reports of your social media accounts to monitor and analyze the performance of your posts. Get to know how many views and engagements your posts are getting.

Lastly, PublBox is available in iOS and Android platforms for mobile devices, so that you can monitor and manage your account on-the-go

What Are The Benefits Of Using PublBox?

  • PublBox allows you to plan and generate consistent posts for your social media page which improves your presence on those social media platforms.

What Are The Benefits of Using PublBox?

  • PublBox saves you a lot of time and stress in managing your social media. It helps you organize all your accounts for easier management.
  • You might not need to hire a social media manager anymore since PublBox has got you covered with all the necessary assistance. That way you get to save ten thousands of dollars that you’ll have spent paying a social media manager.
  • The report and analytics tools help you have a good insight into how well your posts perform on those platforms.

How To Use PublBox:

Step 1: Signup an account on PublBox

Step 2: Click the settings button around the top left of the page to add an account to PublBox (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Telegram, VK and OK are allowed for now)

Step 3: After adding your accounts, you can setup a primary social profile for your account

Step 4: PublBox has a robust resource center under the Academy section where you can learn a lot about social media management and how to effectively use the software.

Step 5: Without signing up to a paid account, you can only manage three social media account for a 7-day trial period. You can some discounts on any of the subscription plans you choose by using any of our PublBox discount deals.

Offer by PublBox
30% Off all packages at PublBox
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